Different Therapy is a client centered Ergo-therapeutic concept, which let diving and travel activities become a customized intervention to improve your ability, to perform daily activities and to reach your personal goals.
Experience and exceed boundaries and individual fears under professional supervision. People with or without disabilities and disorders and also their family, or private environment will benefit from these effects.
Private dive courses and private dive guidance

My offer is a worldwide private dive guidance (dive buddy) for your dive trips and a broad range of private and individual PADI dive courses. Enjoy dive education from the first breath under water (PADI Open Water Diver) up to the professional PADI Divemaster level. Feel safe and comfortable through the knowledge and training that you will gain during PADI scuba diving courses. Enable yourself to enjoy the freedom of the under water world.
The PADI- “No Fear Diving” course
Motivated through many requests of my diving clients I created an individual client centered PADI dive specialty course, named “NO FEAR DIVING”. This PADI No Fear Diving course is specially created & aims to appeal to divers who feel insecure under water for various reasons (Hydrophobia). The No Fear Diving course puts the diver himself at the center of attention, supervision and reflection, with all his individual, needs, wishes and handicaps to reach personal goals.
I´m worldwide the only PADI Instructor who is authorized by PADI to teach the- No Fear Diving specialty course
Travel guidance and care taking

Worldwide travel guidance and travel caretaking as your private professional travel companion for your holiday trips and journeys. Decide... where you want to go...!